Bitcoin fell below $96,000 and fell nearly 2% in the day.French President Macron told party leaders that he did not want to dissolve the National Assembly within the remaining 30 months of his term.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization: I still believe that countries will finalize the international convention on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response before May 2025.
French President Macron told party leaders that he did not want to dissolve the National Assembly within the remaining 30 months of his term.Padilla, Minister of Institutional Relations Secretariat of the Presidential Palace of Brazil: The fact that President Lula is hospitalized does not prevent us from voting in Congress, so as to formulate comprehensive financial framework rules before the end of this year.White House: The United States is in close contact with Turkish and Syrian democratic forces on the issue of Mambiji. At present, there is no discussion about changing the policy of the Sharm el-Liberation Organization, but we are observing their actions.
CEO of Goldman Sachs: The bank expects that the regulatory environment will be more favorable.US National Security Council spokesman Kirby: US national security adviser Sally Wenming will leave for Israel tomorrow.Boeing's share price rose by more than 5%, and it is expected to achieve the largest percentage increase since July 2023.